Taste + Buy

Taste & buy days and cel­lar door sales

Cel­lar door sales by arrange­ment and var­i­ous taste & buy pack­ages are wait­ing for you!

In the sparkling wine cel­lar, which my father and I built from three old wine cel­lars, we offer cel­lar tours and tast­ings in a beau­ti­ful dome, the rotun­da, for 6 to 20 people.


Try and buy our excel­lent sparkling wines in our sparkling wine cel­lar. The taste-and-buy days take place quarterly.
For space rea­sons we kind­ly ask for your reg­is­tra­tion. Con­tact us for the next dates.

Dura­tion: around 90 min­utes (avail­able from Octo­ber to May)
Costs: We hap­pi­ly invite you to the sparkling wine samples.
Place: Sparkling wine cel­lar “Schreten­perg”, A‑2172 Schrat­ten­berg, Kel­ler­gasse Dritteln/Neubau


(from Octo­ber to May)
Gen­er­al infor­ma­tion on the sparkling wine production
Cel­lar tour
Tast­ing of 5 sparkling wine sam­ples in the rotun­da, includ­ing bread and cheese
Dura­tion: around 1,5 – 2 hours
Group size: 6 – 12 people
Costs: 25,00 EUR per person
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All sales and tast­ing events take place in the sparkling wine cel­lar “Schreten­perg”.

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