Austrian sparkling wine produced according to the méthode traditionnelle

Chris­t­ian Madl

At the age of 16, I was inspired by an intern­ship in the Rheinpfalz in Ger­many for this craft­man­ship. Fur­ther intern­ships in Ger­many, France, and Lux­em­bourg fol­lowed. I have been spe­cial­iz­ing in the sparkling wine pro­duc­tion for more than 35 years now.

The Méth­ode Traditionnelle

Our pas­sion
Fine bub­bles and ele­gance as well as long matur­ing times char­ac­ter­ize our sparkling wine.


Our ele­gant and long-aged sparkling wine line
Our opti­mum, because it stands for the best of the best and the finest of the finest.
All sparkling wines of the MADL-Sekt line are rar­i­ties that are not pro­duced every year, but only if the vin­tage allows it. 3 — 8 years on lees, from Brut Nature to dry.


Our young, fresh, fruity sparkling wine line.
800 years of Wein­vier­tel wine tra­di­tion rein­ter­pret­ed. The vil­lage name “SCHRETEN­PERG” dates from the 14th cen­tu­ry. 1 to 2 years on lees, from dry to semi-dry

Cel­lar Door Sale

We are look­ing for­ward to your visit!
Avail­able upon appoint­ment by phone, except on Sun­days and pub­lic hol­i­days: +43 664/42 25 142.

Taste & Buy Days

1x per quarter
Try and buy our excel­lent sparkling wines in our sparkling wine cel­lar. The taste & buy days take place quar­ter­ly. For space rea­sons we kind­ly ask for your advance registration.
Dura­tion: around 90 minutes
Costs: We hap­pi­ly invite you to the sparkling wine samples.
Place: Sparkling wine cel­lar “Schreten­perg”, A‑2172 Schrat­ten­berg, Kel­ler­gasse Dritteln/Neubau

Con­tact us, vis­it us!

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Address: sparkling win­ery Madl:
2172 Schrat­ten­berg, Haupt­straße 49

Address: cel­lar door sales & tast­ings sparkling wine cel­lar “Schreten­perg”:
2172 Schrat­ten­berg, Kel­ler­gasse Dritteln