Help­ful Hints



We rec­om­mend that you store our sparkling wine in a cool (8–18° Cel­sius) and dark place. You can also store the sparkling wine bot­tle upright. In doing so, a pres­sure drop is not to be expected.



We rec­om­mend that you open our sparkling wine about 20 min­utes before drink­ing. The sparkling wine then begins to devel­op its aro­ma in an ide­al way.


At a drink­ing tem­per­a­ture of 8° Cel­sius, the bou­quet unfolds nice­ly and you and your guests get their money’s worth.


MADL-Sekt tastes great in white wine glass­es because the bou­quet can unfold in an ide­al way in these glass­es. The sparkling wine can­not devel­op well in nar­row cham­pagne flutes, and it evap­o­rates too much in red wine glasses.

We rec­om­mend the fol­low­ing glass­es or sim­i­lar ones:

  • e.g. Zal­to white wine glass or
    e.g. Riedel cham­pagne glass


Sparkling wine glass­es should be rough­ened up on the bot­tom of the glass. This “sparkling point” enables the car­bon­ic acid bub­bles to release more eas­i­ly. There­by, an ide­al taste expe­ri­ence is made pos­si­ble. This is how sparkling wine tastes best. We offer this ser­vice to our cus­tomers free of charge.
What to do if the sparkling wine does not fizz in the glass?
Clean your glass­es main­ly with hot water and vine­gar and only with very lit­tle deter­gent. Please note that deter­gent residues in the glass pre­vent the per­lage from form­ing. In this case, we rec­om­mend that you rinse the glass­es with hot water or vine­gar and dry them well. After­wards, the sparkling wine should fizz nice­ly when pour­ing. If that does­n’t work right away, please repeat the process until the sparkling wine fizzes in the glass.


Our dif­fer­ent types of sparkling wine are excel­lent meal com­pan­ions. Try our Schreten­perg-Sekt Cuvée dry with a tra­di­tion­al Wiener Schnitzel, or serve MADL-Sekt Brut Nature with Asian cui­sine and our MADL-Sekt Rosé extra dry with Kaiser­schmar­ren. Be inspired by the sym­bols on the labels.

As a gen­er­al rule:

Sparkling wine made from WHITE GRAPES only
• as an aper­i­tif and with lighter dish­es such as, e.g., with seafood, fish, white meat and cheese

Sparkling wine with BLUE GRAPES (white and red cuvées and rosés)
• with hearty meals such as pork and beef, dark poul­try, spicy cheeses and with Asian cuisine.

We rec­om­mend that you use our sparkling wine in a ver­sa­tile and cre­ative way as a meal com­pan­ion. Cre­ate extra­or­di­nary fla­vor com­bi­na­tions — you and your guests will be amazed!

BOT­TLE SEAL — Keeps the per­lage for days.

To store your opened sparkling wine bot­tle, we rec­om­mend that you use our MADL bot­tle seals. They seal the bot­tle well and are easy to clean. The wing clo­sure is attached to the bot­tle neck by a light “latch­ing” on both sides.


Öster­re­ichis­ch­er Sekt (Aus­tri­an sparkling wine): pro­duced in Aus­tria from Aus­tri­an grapes by alco­holic fer­men­ta­tion. Min­i­mum stor­age time „on lees“ of 9 months.

Méth­ode Tra­di­tion­nelle: stands for the clas­sic bot­tle fer­men­ta­tion method, also known as Méth­ode Champenoise.

Handgerüt­telt (hand rid­dled) means: The yeast was moved into the bot­tle­neck by man­u­al­ly rid­dling the bot­tle on a rid­dle rack. Effort: 20 — 25 man­u­al move­ments per bottle.

The Hefe­lagerzeit (stor­age time “on lees”) pro­vides infor­ma­tion on the char­ac­ter of the sparkling wine. Sparkling wines up to 2 years are very fresh and fruity. From an aging time of 3 years on, more creamy yeasty fla­vors appear.

The Degorgier­da­tum (L.deg.) (dis­gorge­ment date) pro­vides infor­ma­tion on how long the sparkling wine has been off lees. Our sparkling wines can be stored well and devel­op excel­lent­ly over the years.

Sul­fite (sul­fites) pro­tect the sparkling wine from ear­ly spoilage and keep the fruiti­ness. Only an extreme­ly small amount is con­tained in our sparkling wines.

We wish you a lot of drink­ing plea­sure and, of course, we are at your dis­pos­al for any fur­ther ques­tions and information!